Founded in August 2018, Jiangsu Renyuan New Material Co.,Ltd. Is specialized in the production of packaging supplies dedicated to supermarket fresh food. With a floor area of 20,000 m2 a building area of 12,000 m2, the total investment is 130 million yuan; The factory premises are located in Siyang County, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province .That is an excellent geographical location enjoying convenient transportation.
公司主营产品: 食品用PE保鲜膜和食品用yl23455永利官方网; 公司月产量突破100000标准箱, 销往国内沃尔玛、世纪联华、欧尚、上海农工商、物美等超市及澳大利亚、马来西亚、加拿大等国家。
The Company’s main products are the PE Wrapping Film the PVC Wrapping Film ;The Company’s monthly output of PVC Cling Film PE Cling Film has reached 100,000 cartons, which have been sold to such domestic supermarkets as Walmart, CenturyMart, Auchan, Shanghai NGS Supermarket Wumart to such countries as Australia 、Malaysia、Canada...